Scenic design for The Theater Offensive/Wheelock Family Theatre,Boston MA, June 2003 (Director: Robbie McCauley)
“Mirta Tocci’s design is striking, a fanciful ivory-white set that admirably adapts to changes in scene. There are also projections of (Marian) Anderson, an American flag, snow, and fire.”
“In a random stroke of magical realism underscored by effective backdrop video projections, Anderson makes spectral appearances to Benji as if she were his guardian angel.”
“The intriguing set design, the directing by Robbie McCauley, and the acting in every beautifully played part are all stunningly professional and imaginative . . . The set uses a series of rising levels on Wheelock’s wide, shallow stage, backed by video projections by Mirta Tocci, the most effective of which is a repeated snowstorm poetically described as a metaphor for the variety and change that is life.”